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LVDL luisvictoridesignlab
interior design
Proposal for the building forum lobby at UIC
Chapel for a funeral home
storytelling: urban connections
staircase and restroom, design proposal
multifamily residential prototype designed with prefabricated moduls
MB1 house
How architecture and design can create a positive impact in our homes, in our buildings and in our communities?
D house
Goma 1 house
The city of the Golden Globe
When designing spaces, the designer must focus on the users' needs in order to provide them with better quality of life by improving comfort, well being, performance, safety and health.
CV house
XVIII house renovation
Single Family House
single family house - proposal
GMA house
Proposal for an apartment building
Single family renovation
Office finishes' proposal
au bon pain at UIC
Affordable residential housing prototype designed with shipping containers
s i n g l e f a m i l y r e s i d e n c e
c h a n c e l l o r ' s o f f i c e a t
Townhouse interior design
apartment interior design
Corbera house
warehouse conversion
xavim house
Marketplace new facade
SCZ house
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